Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Look around at all the differences you see
Not one of you looks exactly like me
Now go further and tap into the love you can feel
This is DEEP, a place where the damaged are called to heal
We are not perfect in anyway
But when you’re here God is sure to keep the devil at bay
You’re in the presence of sinners who’ve become saints
These are the beauties a great artist would retire of after he paints
This is a safe place to let go of your past
You’d be surprised how close God is after your burdens are cast
The family you always wish you had is to your left and right
Time to take the gloves off because we are not here to fight
Take it from me, you'll never make it if you try to fake it
God gave these people the eyes to see you spiritually naked
So relax your balled up fists
And stop compiling your judgmental lists
Do you hear God whispering in your ear? No, it’s not me
But I can hear him telling you this is where you’re supposed to be
We are your spiritual soulmates, but you can call us DEEP
And here, all the treasure God gives you can keep.

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