Friday, June 11, 2010

Tales of a Love Sick Heart

Another day full of yearning and frustration
Another day of trying to reclaim my concentration
I strive to keep my actions pure and my vision clear
Yet, I seem to get so caught up in what my heart holds dear
If he’s not for me then, yes I’ll let him be
But God, dear God please just tell me!
I know my love should only be for you
You need to be the reason behind everything I do
Maybe I have too open and loving of a heart
Every single day I feel like I’m being torn apart
No, it’s all a test to see if my intentions are true
Cleanse me daily so I can start over anew
I’m used to letting my feelings lead me astray
But I will not stop dying to self, not for one day
Here I go again, out into the fire
Staying focused on you God, my one and only desire

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