Sunday, January 23, 2011

I just turn my back

“I just turn my back to the sun”
That statement is unfamiliar to no one
It’s too early to wake up and its light is disturbing my slumber
It’s a reminder of the time but I ask it to pick another number
So I say “Good morning, thanks for being here, but I’m not ready”
I regularly take you for granted because you’re coming and going is always steady
I’ll get up soon but first, a little more shut eye
Would I rather have darkness or daylight? Between those two, it’s a tie
This is a common story, not because it’s morning and we’re unwilling to rise and shine
It’s our constant dismissal of God’s call on your life and mine
Because Jesus is shining so brightly on us that it’s making it hard to stay asleep
We’ll give God our attention if he agrees to let us rest without making a peep
He’s telling us to wake up, but we take our sweet time
To us, it doesn't matter if he rushes to our aid at the drop of a dime
We say to him, “Thanks for being here, but my eyes are still a little tired”
“We’ll do it in our own time” is our excuse, that’s just how we’re wired
I’m of no use now before the sun rises; well back then, I was of no use before His Son rose
How stubborn and ignorant we are only God knows
We just want to sleep; we’ll rise up eventually but we want to rest longer
The whole time we retreat from God’s light the darkness grows stronger
But what’s normally said and done? The most dangerous thing ever
“I just turn my back to the Son,” we say, thinking we’re clever

Friday, December 10, 2010


Sometimes you need to be reminded about who I am and who I’m not
Too many times you limit me because you’re limited
You tie yourself down while I try to lift you up
All the promises I made to you in your youth haven’t expired in your ‘maturity’
Everything that I said would come to pass, will come to pass
I will heal all the wounds you’ve gotten fighting for your life
I was there with you in battle and the only reason you’re still able to fight is because of it
I know what you’ve done, I know what you’re doing, and I know what you will do
There’s nowhere you can go that I can’t take you to or bring you back from
I am never ending, as is my love for you
The miracles you read about in the Word are nothing compared to what I want to do in your life
I am your shelter during the storm
I am your bread and water when you’re starving
I am your shield and sword in the heat of an attack
I am your strength in the greatest times of weakness
I’m there when you make me smile; I’m there when you break my heart
“Be still and know that I am God”
Be still and know that you’re problems are not
I command the seas
I tell the sun to shine
I give your heart a beat
I don’t need your permission or opinion
Don’t believe what you see on the television or hear from the fearful
I have not lost control
This battle has already been won; the only question is ‘whose side are you on?’

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Beautifully Scarred

Everyday I would try to hide my scars of life
Try to disguise what I've aquired from my days of strife
But why cover up the outward signs of healing?
And while trying to make my new life of salvation sound appealing
If I'm really pleased with what I've become
Then I should enjoy looking back on what's been done
You'll never be perfect here, we all have flaws
Not a single one has lived a life without breaking laws
Put all your scars out on display
Let others see your gratitude for how God's showed you the way
Who is going to trust you if you don't take off your mask?
God will surely provide boldness to complete this uncomfortable task
We need to be vulnerable with one another
Otherwise, how can I sincerely say you're my sister or brother?
We aren't called to be perfect
If we were, we'd never be able to connect
No no no, of course I'm stained
But more important is the eternal life I've gained

Monday, November 8, 2010

What if...?

*CAUTION: This may cause you to open your eyes and change your ways.

Today I got mad. No, not just mad, I got furious. I finally got fed up with being the devil’s punching bag. I used to say I was tired of it, but today I acted like it. I got up and instead of going into defense mode; I squared my shoulders and told the Devil to come get some. Will you do the same?

What if you were more than just talk?

What if you made true on all your promises to God and your threats to the Devil?

What if you actually cared about what happened to you?

What if life meant more to you than what you see?

What if you cared more about your eternity than your tomorrow?

What if the state of the world we’re living in actually mattered to you as much as you say it does?

What if you were willing to fight as hard as you love?

What if you were willing to give as much as you get?

What if you got mad and let the devil know it?

What if you messed with the devil much as he messes with you?

What if the when the devil thought of you he didn’t say “oh it’s just another one of those Christians”?

What if the devil felt the need to warn his followers to be on the top of their game when it came to attacking you?

What if you struck fear in them because you’ve decided to live up to your destiny?

What if you weren’t like the others?

What if you didn’t blend in with non-believers?

What if you were the first one God thought of when he needed something done?

What if you weren’t content with just surviving until He comes back?

What if you acknowledged that there’s a war raging over your soul?

What if you treated God like He is all-powerful, holy, and worthy of all praise?

What if you tore down all the walls the devil gave you the bricks to build?

What if your eyes hurt from all the darkness around us?

What if you dug up all you buried?

What if you stopped living your life in circles?

What if you stopped putting your soul on sale for the highest bidder and acted like your soul has been paid for by Jesus?

What if you put on your armor and war paint everyday when you woke up?

What if you acted like you know God still lives?

I guess we’ll never know until you stop asking what if and started and started living out your answer… we’re waiting.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Sometimes the walls of box I find myself in were built by me
And it takes a loud reminder from God telling me to, “BREAK FREE!”
All the hits I take wear me down and sometimes I don’t want to get up
I stay low accepting the undoubted shame of the loser’s cup
Success in this life isn’t achieved by playing a risky game of luck
Nor is it about pushing your limits to ‘earn’ a quick buck
Love isn’t something you happen to find, it’s something you make
Sex isn’t supposed to be a commodity you pay for or just take
Now music is made to eat away at your soul
And knowledge distorts the significance of life’s goal
Religion is just an idea used to fill emptiness
No wonder we feel so lost in this time, we’ve made a mess
I’m supposed to be uncomfortable, none of this is right
The state of brothers and sisters is not something I take light
All this disgust means nothing is I stay silent
Do I really care if I don’t even try to make a dent?
Who am I to complain and then just sit?
Something about this situation just doesn’t fit
What am I gonna do about it?


I’ve drifted many times before
Made promises that I wouldn’t hurt you anymore
All the while you knew the promises I’d break
You knew while I hid behind the smiles I’d fake
Now I’ve seen what life’s like without you
And I want to come home, just tell me what to do
The worldly way offers a false sense of freedom
But it’s just a trick to distract me from Your Kingdom
The unfortunate can’t see but the foolish just pretend to be blind
I’m still confused as to how I’m able to treat you so unkind
But none of that matters now
I’m standing ready to renew our vows
I can’t promise I’ll do everything right
But I can promise I won’t give up the fight
The choices I make aren’t all in good taste
But the love you continue to give me will not go to waste
When I get to high, please knock me back
I’m not worried because I know your make up all that I lack
In the valley I’ll stop and smell the flowers, on the mountaintop I’ll enjoy the view
Life’s difficult situations give me opportunity to renew my faith in you
At this moment I commit and my life has (again) begun
And I work toward one day hear your voice say, “well done”

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

To my future

This is all I ask…
Don’t take everything just because I’ll give you all I have
Don’t push me just because I said I won’t budge
Don’t leave me behind just because I’ll always be here
Don’t rush me just because I’m impatient
Don’t lead me into darkness just because I’ll follow you anywhere
Don’t betray me just because I’ll tell you all my secrets
Don’t wish death on me just because I’d die for you
Don’t call me selfish just because I like to get what I give
Don’t take your way just because I said I’d compromise
That is all I ask… my first, my last, and my only plea
With all the love I have,