Friday, December 10, 2010


Sometimes you need to be reminded about who I am and who I’m not
Too many times you limit me because you’re limited
You tie yourself down while I try to lift you up
All the promises I made to you in your youth haven’t expired in your ‘maturity’
Everything that I said would come to pass, will come to pass
I will heal all the wounds you’ve gotten fighting for your life
I was there with you in battle and the only reason you’re still able to fight is because of it
I know what you’ve done, I know what you’re doing, and I know what you will do
There’s nowhere you can go that I can’t take you to or bring you back from
I am never ending, as is my love for you
The miracles you read about in the Word are nothing compared to what I want to do in your life
I am your shelter during the storm
I am your bread and water when you’re starving
I am your shield and sword in the heat of an attack
I am your strength in the greatest times of weakness
I’m there when you make me smile; I’m there when you break my heart
“Be still and know that I am God”
Be still and know that you’re problems are not
I command the seas
I tell the sun to shine
I give your heart a beat
I don’t need your permission or opinion
Don’t believe what you see on the television or hear from the fearful
I have not lost control
This battle has already been won; the only question is ‘whose side are you on?’

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