Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I’ve drifted many times before
Made promises that I wouldn’t hurt you anymore
All the while you knew the promises I’d break
You knew while I hid behind the smiles I’d fake
Now I’ve seen what life’s like without you
And I want to come home, just tell me what to do
The worldly way offers a false sense of freedom
But it’s just a trick to distract me from Your Kingdom
The unfortunate can’t see but the foolish just pretend to be blind
I’m still confused as to how I’m able to treat you so unkind
But none of that matters now
I’m standing ready to renew our vows
I can’t promise I’ll do everything right
But I can promise I won’t give up the fight
The choices I make aren’t all in good taste
But the love you continue to give me will not go to waste
When I get to high, please knock me back
I’m not worried because I know your make up all that I lack
In the valley I’ll stop and smell the flowers, on the mountaintop I’ll enjoy the view
Life’s difficult situations give me opportunity to renew my faith in you
At this moment I commit and my life has (again) begun
And I work toward one day hear your voice say, “well done”

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