Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You're On Your Own

Breath in, breath out
I won’t join you when you scream and shout
I’ve given in to you many times before
Now I’ll just save us both time and show you the door
Most of my time with you has never resulted in peace
My inner turmoil and restlessness wouldn’t cease
Well, your era has been and gone
I’m bored with it, so now I’ve moved on
The love I have for you will never die
But to say our relationship will be the same would be a lie
I refuse to forget the good times we shared
When we actually acted like we cared
For this is all sincere so don’t take offense
But going on like this doesn’t make sense
Not on you, but on this absurdity I give up
Because my life is just too good to let you continue to interrupt

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