Friday, September 24, 2010

Via My Awesome Friend Noah Peltier

I never knew how good it'd feel to drown
this water that fills my lugs washes me clean
in love it abounds
my pain is gone from east to west.
i care nothing of my life for my Father knows what's best.
he takes me up to the mountain to pray
I sing his songs so i may hear him say

I love you; my child
blessed are you for you seek my council
your cup runneth over
go share it with the world

So I ran to do as my father had said
His glory still with me I feel so alive
Now i tell all why He bled
His love so astounding for a wretch like me
I pray that I reflect this love for the world to see
I lift my hands and sing his praise
Lord guide me in all of your ways

I love you; my child
blessed are you for you seek my council
your cup runneth over
go share it with the world

Now I here a voice that terrifies me so
It's stronger than before when it was just a whisper
no howling like the wind blows
"This isn't your purpose your just a man"
"How can you play such a part in His plan"
Kill steal and destroy is his evil goal
But I hear my Lord speak to my soul

I love you; my child
blessed are you for you seek my council
your cup runneth over
go share it with the world

I have run the race I've fought the good fight
He kept me safe through the darkest night
Now I watch emerald seas as I sit on white shores
Forever Your mine
And forever I'm Yours

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