Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is it possible?

Another breath you’ve given me
What kind of person would I be if I didn’t use it to praise you?
Lord, I heard & read of your goodness expecting so much
But after seeing & experiencing it myself, I see I didn’t expect enough
I claim nothing good of this world
I declare here & now it all belongs to you
Use me in any & every way you will because if I’m not living to glorify you, I’m not living at all
Guide me so every word, thought, & movement are seen as good in your eyes
When I lose focus or step off the path, do what is needed to get me back on track, no matter the cost
No amount of instant gratification is worth taking a step back after you’ve brought me this far
I ask that you give all my brothers & sisters the opportunity to feel & love you the way I do
Take away the boring, dull, rebellious veil that blinds from the rewarding, love-filled, beautiful life you have waiting
Usher them to the other side where we are all excited to meet them
Forgive the times I’ve broken your heart by breaking my promises
I know I don’t deserve it but that’s never stopped you from taking me back
I let it all go because when I really think about it, I have nothing to let go
Fill this empty hole that has been throbbing all my days
I see others cry, laugh, smile, even lose control because they have you
I want that too, I want you too, take me too!
I barely know anything of you but I miss you
Sometime, somewhere we must have met before
Can we go back? Can I ever make it that high again?
I’m no longer afraid to try
I’m ready!!!!!!! I AM READY!!!!!!!!!!

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